Prof. Gerhard Fischer: Exploring Design Trade-Offs for Quality of Life in Human-Centered Design [Vortrag]
Das Centre for Informatics and Society (C!S) der Fakultät für Informatik an der TU Wien lädt zu einem öffentlichen Vortrag von Prof. Gerhard Fischer als Teil der Vortragsreihe zu unterschiedlichen Aspekten der Digitalen Transformation der Gesellschaft.
Creating a transformative framework to foster, nurture, and support “Quality of Life (QoL)” is one of the most challenging design problems of the digital age. QoL is a broad concept without a precise, generally accepted definition. In design, trade-offs are universal because there are no best solutions independent of goals, objectives, and values, specifically for systemic, ill-defined, and wicked problems such as QoL.
Grounded in research activities from a broad spectrum of different disciplines and an analysis from our research over the last two decades, this presentation will explore specific design trade-offs. The insights and arguments are summarized in requirements for the design of socio-technical environments to address future challenges for human-centered design grounded in a QoL perspective.
Gerhard Fischer is a Professor Adjunct and Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, a Fellow of the Institute of Cognitive Science, and the Director of the Center for Lifelong Learning and Design (L3D) at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He is a member of the Computer Human Interaction Academy, a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery, and a recipient of the RIGO Award of ACM-SIGDOC. In 2015, he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
His research has focused on new conceptual frameworks and new media for learning, working, and collaborating, human-centered computing, and design. His recent work is centered on quality of life in the digital age, social creativity, meta-design, cultures of participation, design trade-offs, and rich landscapes for learning.
Video zum Vortrag
Zeit: 22. Oktober 2018 @ 17:00
Ort: Kontaktraum – TU Wien
Neues EI, 6th floor
Gußhausstraße 27-29
1040 Wien
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